For distributors looking for the perfect back-office solution. Comes with access to VendiClient. Linked to our supplier ecosystem.
100 orders a day
(Unlimited with VendiAds*)
Unlimited customers
Unlimited suppliers
Invoicing and payments
Asset management
Promotion and marketing
Analytics and reporting
VendiClient – Access for unlimited customers
VendiClient – Access for up to 5 sales reps.
(Unlimited with VendiAds*)
Invoice and order integration
Document customization
500 orders a day
(Unlimited with VendiAds*)
Unlimited customers
Unlimited suppliers
Invoicing and payments
Asset management
Promotion and marketing
Analytics and reporting
VendiClient – Access for unlimited customers
VendiClient – Access for up to 10 sales reps
(Unlimited with VendiAds*)
Invoice and order integration
Document customization
VendiAsset – Access for up to 10 mobile users
(Unlimited with VendiAds*)
Unlimited orders
Unlimited customers
Unlimited suppliers
Invoicing and payments
Asset management
Promotion and marketing
Analytics and reporting
VendiClient – Access for unlimited customers
VendiClient – Access for unlimited sales reps
Invoice and order integration
Document customization
VendiAsset – Access for unlimited mobile users
Master data management assistance
Dedicated support
Unlimited orders
Unlimited customers
Unlimited suppliers
Invoicing and payments
Asset management
Promotion and marketing
Analytics and reporting
VendiClient – Access for unlimited customers
VendiClient – Access for unlimited sales reps
Invoice and order integration
Document customization
VendiAsset – Access for unlimited mobile users
Master data management assistance
Dedicated hosting
Data integration and reporting services
For CPG and FMCG companies looking to integrate with our distributor network and striving for perfect visibility to their secondary sales activities and data. COMING SOON.
Master data management across in-network distributors
Instant sales visibility
Analytics and reporting
System integration through VendiAPI™
VendiClient access to reach customers of in-network distributors.
Dedicated support
Master data management across in-network distributors
Instant sales visibility
Analytics and reporting
System integration through VendiAPI™
VendiClient access to reach customers of in-network distributors.
Asset management, deployment and tracking across in-network distributors.
VendiAds™ to reach out-of-network distributors and their customers.
Customized system integration and reporting services
Dedicated hosting and support